

Star Route Farm
City: Charlotteville, NY, 12036
About Us
Star Route Farm is a farm with a social justice mission. They seek to begin addressing systemic food inequities by farming with integrity and responsibility to both land and people in order to grow nutritious food, distribute free produce to those who are food insecure, and collaborate with the communities they grow for to ensure culturally relevant food.
Star Route Farm is located in the upper Catskill region of NY on alluvial and glacial till deposits of the Charlotte Creek Valley in Otsego County. Soil type is mainly Hamplain Silty Loam on a slope of less than 1 percent. Sub soil consists of Chenango Gravelly Loam providing excellent drainage and little to no runoff with the minimal slope.

Our 6 acres of production fields are bisected by both NY state and federally protected wetlands which provide a complex mix of fauna and animal life. Bald eagles, herons, bitterns among many other bird and animal species live, migrate and nest in this environment.

We use a permanent bed system that we have been transitioning to no-till. Our production soils have a organic matter content between 8-9%. We do not use animal manures for fertility, instead a mix of green manure/cover crops, basalt volcanic rock dust, alfalfa meal and vermicompost with a mulch layer of fine leaf compost.

Macro and micro (trace) nutrient levels are determined by annual soil tests and we use William Albrecht’s model of soil analysis and recommendations to determine specific mineral applications for the growing season. We use NO synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.

Our goal is to create healthy, living soils to produce highly nutritious food for the sake of sustainable and healthy land, farmers and food accessible to everyone.